• Unlimited leisure travel planning services
  • Dedicated personal consultant
  • Travel concierge services
  • 24-hour In-travel support
  • Last-minute expedited planning
  • Zero change/cancellation fees *
  • Welcome Box Amenities


  • Unlimited leisure travel planning services
  • Dedicated personal consultant
  • Travel concierge services
  • 24-hour In-travel support
  • ​Last-minute expedited planning
  • Zero change/cancellation fees *
  • ​Welcome Box Amenities
  • Executives/Extended Family/ Employees access


Individual/Family Annual $1,999.00


Membership fees have a penalty of $500 if canceled within 30-days of payment by written notice. After the 30-day cancellation period, all fees are non-refundable.

Membership in First Class Travel Concierge constitutes a client relationship with Blueprint Travel. Members authorize Blueprint Travel to act as their consultant for the airline, tour operator, supplier, cruise line or other suppliers as indicated in the documents, brochures, correspondence or other communication that will be used for travel.

Members understand these suppliers are responsible for providing the travel services purchased through Blueprint Travel. Members consent to and request the use of those suppliers and accept that FIRST CLASS TRAVEL CONCIERGE or Blueprint Travel are NOT responsible for, nor will the member attempt to hold it liable for any injury, damage or loss suffered for any conditions, actions or omissions that are beyond the reasonable control of Blueprint Travel.

Blueprint Travel will advise members of the supplier's refund, change and cancellation fees and penalties. *waiver of change and cancellation fees for members apply only to Blueprint Travel's Change and Cancellation fees* 

Members agree to review and agree to all the terms and conditions of FIRST CLASS TRAVEL CONCIERGE and also agree as clients of Blueprint Travel to its Terms & Conditions found here.

Members may contact Blueprint Travel with travel-related questions and may request travel arrangements at any time with their travel consultant. Members who request Expedited Travel Services must provide all necessary information needed as well as payment authorization for such travel in the time frame given by their consultant. 

Payment of the membership fee concludes member agrees with the above terms and conditions and those of Blueprint Travel.